
Thursday, September 1, 2011

b & c: the little years

I always have high hopes for this blog. I always say that I'm going to be better about blogging regularly in order to document our life. But then our life takes over (which is fine because real life is better than blogging anyway) and I never blog and I look up and its been weeks since I've posted anything. And although ultimately this blog serves no purpose other than for me to have a record of special things that happen in our life, that alone is enough to make me want to kick it up a notch. I don't care if another person ever reads a single post, I want to make sure I use this as a place to store all the precious times we share as a family.

Our boys are growing FAST and we already don't take enough pictures or write down all the hilarious things they say. So I'm trying to commit to being better at this. Not for anyone else, but for myself. I'm never going to be famous mom blogger for my witty posts or killer DIY crafts and projects. You can't even find our blog on google because we don't want weirdos reading it. I plan to post about crafts, refurb projects, decorating our home, and toddler activities, and I hope that our family and friends do enjoy reading those and even get ideas from them. But ultimately its for me because let's face it, in 2 weeks or less I will have 3 boys. My memory..well, let's just say I do good some days to remember if the kids ate breakfast. (ok, maybe that's a little exaggeration..don't call CPS!) So I know that without some place to document these precious times in our life, they will fly by and I'll be so busy I won't take the time to slow down and reflect on them. So..all of that being said, let's talk about Brody and Carson!!

These 2 are stinking hilarious these days. I plan to make a memory box to write down all the funny things they say because it is non-stop around here. I find myself laughing at them multiple times a day and they have no idea what they've done or said that is so funny. Here's just one short story (see, I only took the time to write down 1..sad)

B (to Matt): I want a puppy and name it Jack.
C: I want elephant.
B: No, That's too big for our house.
C: I want elephant.
B: It will use its trunk and spray water all over us.
C: Oh, well I want a big puppy.

Only Brody could reason with Carson like that. We could have tried to explain to him all day why we can't have an elephant but Brody knew just what to say to nip that in the bud real quick.

The boys had their first trip to the dentist this week. (Yes, Brody had his first dental exam at 3..don't judge me.) On the way back to the room, Brody started telling the hygienist how to brush his teeth. "You need to brush the fronts and the backs and make sure you get all the dirty spots." I'm sure she appreciated his input. Apparently he knew what he was talking about because both boys got a great report. They had healthy, clean teeth. (I'm not gonna lie, I was a little surprised)

We started videoing them again and have taken more pictures that I need to dump on the computer and edit. Plus, we'll have lots of new posts when Baby Brooks comes! So until then, enjoy some more  bath time fun! And if you're wondering why there are no solo shots of Brody, ask him. He wouldn't cooperate for those.


  1. Your photos of them together and the sweet stories of their "brotherhood" makes me so excited to start seeing that element of Sawyer and Nash's relationship. Can't wait to hear of baby Brooks' arrival!

  2. your boys always crack me up.

    i was telling matt today at the HG training that abigail saw a picture of a little boy with brown hair and got excited and said what sounded just like "Carson!"
    it was strange.... i mean, they were in the preschool together before carson got moved up, and ya'll were over here not long ago, but it still threw me off guard. so i showed her a real picture of him and she got excited and said it again.

    then today we played on the playground at church with the amy kids, and saw grayson and called him the same thing that she called carson. so i am not sure if she is saying carson or grayson, but it's cute.

    tell brooks to come out already...


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