
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Its Summer..Its Summertime. ITS SUMMERTIME! (Thank you Yo Gabba Gabba)

This is just a few pictures of the fun we've been having this summer! Today is a rainy, nasty day so we're stuck indoors. The boys just stare out the storm door, watching the rain. Brody says "Its raining. Yuck" and Carson just looks up at me with those big eyes as if he's saying "Mommy, why can't we go out?" So here's what we wish we were doing!

Here's some fun rainy day activities. Building a big boat!
(See those cool underwear? We gave it a try. After 3 weeks and talking to some moms at church, we decided that we weren't ready. We're going to try again in a few months after we figure out what's going on with all of his medical stuff.)

Playing Peek-A-Boo when Mommy comes to get you up.


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