I can't believe our Carson is 3. Well, actually I can. He talks like he's way older than he is, and he has been fitting into 3T-4T clothes for a while. So honestly, he's seemed 3 for a long time. But actually admitting that he's 3 is a different story. He has been ready for 3 for a while. He was constantly asking us "When I'm 3, can I do _________ like Brody?" Or, "When I'm 3, then I will like ______." (some sort of food that he doesn't like)
Carson Jace, we absolutely adore you sweet boy. You are hilarious, sweet, cuddly, and can be so considerate of others. We love watching you play with both of your brothers..you try to be a big boy to play with Brody, and then turn on your funny baby voice to talk to Brooks. Your huge animated eyes melt this mama's heart...and sometimes when I'm supposed to be disciplining you.
Favorite things: You love just about ALL food, super heroes, movies, and books. You LOVE playing baseball with Daddy and are really starting to like soccer as well.
Dislikes: Jelly, ponatoes (tomatoes), naps, thunder and bugs.
We love you so much Car-baby (I guess I can't call you that any more ). You are so precious and bring us so much joy! We hope you feel super special today!!
He's known for a while that he wanted a Batman Birthday Party. Fortunately, there happens to be a Batman movie being release soon so every aisle at Target is loaded with Batman themed party decor, toys, etc. I'm not a party kit person at all...I prefer handmade with a few store bought pieces thrown in. So I steered clear of the comic book plates, cups, etc and went with a general color scheme and printed my own Batman symbols and decor. I love how the party turned out and I think Carson had a blast!! I tried to focus more on fun activities for the kids than table decor this year and I think it was a wise choice!!
We turned our front entry into the Batcave. As our guests entered the front door, they walked into a dark cave with only a small opening into the living room. We created a Batman symbol to shine through the window at the top of our door which shown on the floor. It turned out so cool!
Outside of the Batcave. This created a cool place for the kids to go into and play. And yes, its still up and will be for a while since it took a while to create.
Cupcake tree.
Ignore my hideous, rushed handwriting. I forgot to make the food labels so they didn't turn out quite like I envisioned.
Party favors...Batman cups filled with just about every Batman themed favor you could find..pencils, erasers, tattoos, candy, etc.
Food table. I had the teal serving pieces and picked up the black and yellow buckets in the $1 spot at Target, of course.
Funfetti Dip was a hit...i heart Pinterest. We served it with animal crackers, pretzel sticks and graham crackers. A lot of folks put it on the apples and grapes and said that was great as well.
On the front door.
Vaporize a Villain..Pictures of villains were tacked to the fence and the super heros used water guns and grenades to "vaporize" them.
Villains were hidden all over the yard (as seen below) and whoever found the most was given a prize.

I don't have a photo of this game because it was over so quickly. We put a piece of candy in balloons and blew them up. They had to pop all the balloons by stomping, sitting, etc to get the prize out. This was probably a fave among the kiddos! Make sure you have lots of balloons! We used 30 and it was over in seconds.
Bubble station (honestly, our guests weren't interested)
The birthday boy!!
Mr. Wade making it interesting
The best shot we could get with Carson and his guests.
My mom convinced me to add these balloons to the party favors and boy am I glad she did! The kids LOVED these! It started raining right at the end of the party so they were able to keep the fun going indoors.
And I just had to include this big 10 month old cutie!! He needs his own post!!
Carson told us it was the best party...and that's all that matters! He had a blast! We love celebrating him so much that we are turning this 3rd birthday into a weekend long event. Daddy took him to see Ice Age on Friday and then he had his party on Saturday. Today we went to Chick Fil A with friends and are headed to dinner and then games at Chuck E Cheese with Trent and Dre Drea tonight. He might be getting a little spoiled by all this special treatment :) We love you Carson Jace!!!
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