
Saturday, November 19, 2011

baby brooks: 2 months

Little Man is already 2 months old. The days are literally flying by. We seem to constantly have something going on, so every time I turn around it seems like my boys have changed and grown so much in just a short time. 

Brooksy Boy, we are all so in love with you. Mommy and Daddy love the time we get to cuddle on the couch with you after your brothers have gone to bed. Although, we do appreciate the nights you go to bed early and give us some time to relax with just each other. Brody and Carson adore you, of course. They are still constantly kissing you and trying to soothe you when you cry. They are very ready for you to be ready to play with them, but Mommy wants you to stay just like you are. 

Weighs 12 lbs 11 oz (75th percentile) and is 22 1/2 inches long (30th percentile). So far he's built like Carson we guess, short and thick, although when you look at him he doesn't appear that stocky. His head was only in the 50th percentile! Woo hoo! Not quite as large as his brothers'. 

- Goes to bed for the night about 11pm. We've tried and tried to move this up, but if we do, he'll still wake up at some point, and go to sleep at 11. He'll then sleep til 3am, eat, and then sleep until between 6-7am. So I can't complain..technically only waking up once during the night. 
-After waking up between 6-7am, he'll eat and then sleep until usually sometime after 9. (I've tried to get him to start his day when he wakes up at 7, but he's just not interested.) He stays awake until around 11 and this is usually a really long nap. He wakes up, eats and plays a little. He usually has 2 more shorter naps during the day and evening before going to bed for the night. Over the next couple of weeks, I'm hoping to adjust this to waking up for the day earlier and having 3 distinct naps and going to bed around 9pm. I have to say though, it gets harder and harder with each child to get them on the schedule you want. Having other kids to care for definitely makes it a little harder to do things "by the book."

I can't believe I have to put this category on the 2 month report, but its true! He's already getting a bottom tooth! 

-Smiles when talked to, as well as at random objects
-Coos, and has even attempted a laugh, although it wasn't quite there yet
-Lifts head a little when on his tummy

-Being swaddled to go to sleep.
-snuggling (mommy loves this since Brody and Carson weren't snugglers.)
-sucking on his hands, probably because of the teething
-being talked to
-still likes the sleep sheep
-looking at the pictures on the wall above his changing table

-being in the car seat (unless he's VERY tired)
-paci (yes, he's kicked it to the curb and i'm heart broken by this. i keep meaning to try a new kind and see if he likes something different.)
-being alone in a room while he's awake. i don't even know how he knows this.

What Mommy is learning:
I think that because we know he is our last biological child, I might be a little more lax with his bedtime routine, etc than I was with Brody and Carson. With them, once they were past a few weeks old, I always put them in their crib or basinet awake to go to sleep. I rarely rocked them to sleep and made them cry a while. Brooks, for the most part during the day, will go to sleep on his own in his bed. However, at night, I think he's very accustomed to the routine we've established with him and likes it. Matt and I both take turns snuggling with him and he usually falls asleep in one of our arms. We've tried many, many times to put him down while he's awake and it never works. Part of it may be because his room is right next to the big boys' room and we're afraid he's going to wake them up with his screaming. But I think the other part of it is that we just want to soothe and love on him. So I can't really blame him for that.

The "scheduler, routine lover" side of me says this must stop soon. He must go to sleep on his own every time. But the "this is my last baby and I want to take in every moment" side of me says I should just get over it and enjoy these times because they won't last much longer. So we'll see what happens. I think it will be a slow transition. Brooks and I both need to ease into it :)

He is still holding on to the blue eyes. I really don't think any of these photos show them very well, but they are still a deep blue. The pediatrician was shocked at his 2 month check up that he still had the light hair and eyes. I'm hoping it stays around a while!!

1 comment:

  1. When you're ready, The Easy Sleep Solution is GREAT. :) We were big time snugglers, cuddlers, holders, etc and Parker transitioned pretty well with this method. Love you and those precious boys! B doesn't look as much like the brothers YET. His hair is lighter!


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