I can't believe you are ONE! (you turned one on July 16th..Momma is just a little late on the post) You have been such a joy to us this past year. Your contagious laugh, your care free laid back attitude (most of the time), your love for your big brother, the way you snuggle, your love of books (mommy really loves that you like to sit in her lap and "read"), the way you light up when daddy walks in the room...I could go on and on about all the precious things we love about you. You are truly a little gift from God. I can't believe that you are almost walking and are even saying a few words. This past year has FLOWN by. We love you so much Carson Jace (Sharson Jace according to Brody!)
We celebrated your first birthday with a POOL PARTY! We joined in with Cousin Cole and had a joint family party for you both. Cole turned 2 5 days after you turned 1! How fun is that!! Trent and Andrea let us use their super nice apartment pool for the party and it was a hit! We all had so much fun relaxing in the pool, splashing and celebrating your life.
Our Party Pavilion

Carson swimming with Nina

You boys loaded up!

Leigh Ann and I worked hard on these cute pirate cupcakes!

Carson was a little unsure at first! Brody was ready to help you out.

Cole knew exactly what to do!

He finally got the hang of it

Opening gifts..a book of course!

Cole checking out his new puzzles!
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