29 1/2 week belly shot
I haven't posted much about my pregnancy at all. It's been pretty much exactly the same as it was with Brody. Sick almost everyday for the entire time. And pretty steady contractions that started way earlier than they are supposed to. So I get shots once a week to prevent me from going into labor too early. Once I get to 36 weeks, I will stop the shots and see what happens. So there's a chance that Carson could be born about the same time Brody was..35-36 weeks. It's weird to think that in potentially 6-7 weeks I could have another sweet baby! That seems so close! I'm not on bed rest but am SUPPOSED to be on "limited activity" where I try to not do too much during the day and if I have to get out, I am only supposed to go out for 1.5 hours a day. I don't know how well I am following those rules. Knowing Carson could be here in less than 2 months has gotten me in full swing with organizing and cleaning. So its hard to sit still at home. Except during my afternoon naps :)
We still haven't picked out any furniture for Carson's room. Since Brody is so young, its still going to be a while before he is out of his crib. So Carson is getting his own bed..we just have to find one that is a reasonable price. We've picked out bedding and have pretty much gotten his room cleaned out. I still need to work on his closet and my desk area, but other than that, the room is ready for a crib.
I can't really think of any other updates. I'm going to the dr every 2 weeks now. That makes it seem like its going so much faster! When it gets to once a week, it will really fly by! Our second baby boy will be here before we know it!
I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HIM! He is going to be so adorable! I am so excited! Oh Happy Belated Mother's Day! I hope you had a great one! I love you!