
Monday, January 12, 2009

What's Your Guess?

I know that I am SOO far behind on my blogging. I have so much to update, but I just haven't had time to sort through Christmas and New Year photos. But I did want to put up a real quick post about the poll since we are one month out from finding out if we are having a boy or girl! So look to the right..there's a poll. So go guess! And I'd love for you to leave a comment as well to tell me what you think!

And I promise I'll update soon!


  1. Hey sis, I guessed boy. I do not have any particular reason why yet. Do you feel like you are carrying this baby differently then Brody? What do you think you are having this time?

  2. I voted "girl" because I am so ready for a grandaughter! I'm ready to buy some cute little pink outfits.

  3. I vote girl! No particular reason, except I just think it's a girl. We are so excited for you guys!!

  4. I'm voting for girl! I just have a hunch. Can you even stand knowing how beautiful she will be??? Oh my gracious with those big brown eyes and dark brown hair.

    I want Dena to have a grandgirl too!

    Love ya!

  5. I voted boy because that seems to be the trend in the Palermo family. Can't wait to find out.


  6. I vote boy because you had/have so much sickness like with Brody. I hope I am wrong because I like buying cute little pink things too!

  7. I voted girl just for the fun of it. Congrats on the new baby, we're excited for you!

  8. Even though the poll is closed, I still need to vote....and I'm going to say GIRL.

    It's only fitting that you have a girl next...and we've already got a date picked out. July 3rd...We'd (Charlie, McKlayne and I'd be HONORED to share it with Avery!)


Thanks for leaving us a note! We love hearing from you!