I can't believe how fast this year has gone. It seems like just yesterday we were holding you in our arms for the very first time with tears in our eyes. You have been such a blessing in our lives over the last year...we can't even imagine our lives without you.
One year ago today, at this time (8:43am) I was sitting in a hospital bed, feeling good. The epidural was in place and pumping me some juice. I hadn't slept since 2 nights before so I was exhausted. Poor daddy was feeling pretty sick and trying to nap on that horrible couch thing. We had a long day in there as you prepared to make your way into the world. I had a meano nurse who griped at me for chewing on ice chips and she made me cry. It was not a fun day. But at 6:44pm everything got better. You were there. You came one month early..but you were there, safe and perfectly healthy.
Now, one year later, it seems like a blur. We've watched you learn so many new things...good and bad. You make the funniest faces and noises. You talk all the time, even though we have no idea what you're trying to say. You love other kids, which makes us so excited for you to meet your new sibling in July. You've taught us what it really means to depend on the Lord as you depend on us for everything. We love you so much Brody Boy! Happy 1st Birthday!