Brody deserves a new post just because we've taken a lot of new pics of him in the last week. He's getting cuter everyday and his personality is just booming! He laughs at everything we do, he'll smile if you just look at him. Its so cute. However, I think he's a little intimidated by my camera...he'll be laughing away so I'll run and get my camera. But as soon as I put it in front of him, he just stares at it and won't smile anymore. Most of the smiling photos we have of him are half smiles that we happened to catch before he realized what was happening. I'm trying to think if there's anything new he's doing that I didn't mention last time.
Oh, he can scoot around the house on his back! (I don't let him,obviously) It's so funny. He refuses to roll over, but he can get around by pushing his feet and scooting. We have an area rug in our living room and when we lay a blanket down, he can literally move around the entire room.
He brings us so much joy, I can't even describe it. We have our moments when he's so whiney or irritable..but as soon as he flashes that toothless grin, my heart just melts. Here are some photos from the last week.

One of the few smiles caught on camera.

Funny lips

Brody and Mommy

He's too small for this..but he loved sitting in it. He could barely see over the top.

Have I mentioned how much he LOVES his Tigger? We don't leave the house without it. He sleeps with it, it rides in his car seat, it goes EVERYWHERE. When he's fussy, you can just give him Tigger and he pulls it up to his face and it soothes him. Its AMAZING. He went to the pre-school at church for the VERY FIRST TIME this past weekend and when he got fussy, they gave it a try and it worked like a charm. Thank you Nina and PaPa for bringing it to him from Disney World!

Brody and Uncle Drew (my little bro)

Nina and PaPa brought him back an awesome Astros outfit. And it come with this funny hat that was way too small for his head. The outfit was adorable and so grown up looking, but the hat..not so much. It was hilarious.

On Monday (Memorial Day), we went to Matt and Kaycee's wedding (see pic below). Brody dressed up in his cute white polo style onzie and plaid shorts from BeBe (Leigh Ann's mom). And...we gave him a mohawk! Can you tell in the photo? His hair is thin and light so we took a bunch of pictures to try to capture was so funny. All of the guys at the wedding kept commenting on how awesome it was.

Here are Matt and Kaycee Bevers. They got married at LHBC on Monday and I have to say it was the most Christ-like wedding I have ever attended. It was simple, yet so beautiful. We sang songs of praise to the Lord and a video was played of Matt and Kaycee thanking everyone for coming and just sharing the gospel of Christ to their wedding guests. And, at the end, after Butch pronounced them husband and wife, they shared their very first kiss. And boy did they kiss! The entire santuary was cheering for them. It was a beautiful picture of what a Godly relationship should look like. Thanks Matt and Kaycee for allowing us to share in your special day!
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