Baby Brooks, we absolutely can not believe that you will be here in less than 1 week. We've had a couple of moments where we thought you were coming a lot sooner, but you proved us all wrong and have stayed safely tucked in my tummy where you belong. Now you are full term so you can start preparing your way out if you'd like. The further things are along next Thursday, the better and faster they will go.
Over the last 9 months we have prayed for you, talked to your big brothers about you (boy, are they excited), and prepared our home for you. Because you are our third boy, we didn't have to buy really anything at all. Since your bedding is a hand me down from big brother Carson, Mommy just tried to use a little creativity to make your room your own. We love it and think you will enjoy getting to grow and play in this room. Its all set up, ready for you to come home next week!
When we were looking at this house, I absolutely loved this bedroom. It is a good size (bigger than any newborn needs!), has high ceilings and lots of sunlight. When we moved into the house 4 months ago, the bottom half of the walls below the chair rail were periwinkle. NOT a good color for a little boy, or anyone for that matter. In July, Aunt Leigh Ann stayed with us a whole week and was nice enough to paint it green for you.
Here is the overview of the room. Don't you just love the windows?
Your transportation bedding.
Aunt Leigh Ann gave you this big "B" as a shower gift. It works perfectly to bring out the red in your bedding!
Your shelves are stocked with cute baskets to hold your blankets, burp clothes and necessities.
A few weeks ago we got down your swing and bouncy seat and got them washed and ready for you.
Your 30 pound brothers have tried to get in them a few times so hopefully they will work properly for you!
I think this may be my favorite spot in the whole room. Nina and Papa are bringing the glider and it will go next to this table (see photo below). I'm so looking forward to sitting by the lamp and getting to spend special time with you while you nurse. I may even get some reading in.
We decided to set up a changing area for you. We did this for Brody but didn't really do it for Carson. However, Daddy likes having a designated place to change you and keep all of your supplies, especially in the beginning when we have to take care of your circumcision, umbilical cord, etc.
My second favorite part of the room...Mommy's DIY projects. I found this mirror at a garage sale for $2. I painted the frame and sprayed the glass with chalkboard paint. Now we have a cute little place to write you notes, keep up with diaper changings, etc.
These I created in photoshop, printed off on some card stock and stuck in some black frames we already had. Gotta love totally free room decor.
Since we know you'll be a genius right away, we already have a basket of books and toys waiting for you :)
But just in case you aren't quite ready, Carson will read them to you.
Yes, your mom is hyper-organized and has dividers for each size clothes in your closet. You'll just have to get used to this stuff in our home.
Stocked up on supplies for you!
Baby Brooks, as you can see, we are very excited to meet you next week. You are already so loved by your mommy, daddy and big brothers. I imagine the next few days will be spent in overdrive getting the house clean and ready for your arrival. But I'm sure we'll also take some time to rest and spend time together before our lives are turned upside down with a newborn!