I don't have a belly shot for this week. Sorry.
Pregnancy Highlights for the Week:
How Far Along: 15 Weeks
Fruit/Veggie: Apple
Baby changes: Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam.
How Far Along: 15 Weeks
Fruit/Veggie: Apple
Baby changes: Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam.
Best Moment this week: Its not baby related, but we made it through the option period on the sale of our home without the buyer backing out!
Gender: I'm feeling girl..but honestly, its probably because I really want it to be a girl and we don't have any boy names picked out!
Movement: I may have felt a flutter or two, but nothing significant yet.
Food Cravings: nothing healthy unfortunately. pizza, cheese fries, and oreos as always
Sleep: not getting much. i'm already getting uncomfortable due to the growing. and i hate not being able to sleep on my back :(
What I am looking forward to: finding out what this gender is! 3 more weeks!
Symptoms: still extremely nauseated, still vomiting, and now i'm getting horrible headaches.
Gender: I'm feeling girl..but honestly, its probably because I really want it to be a girl and we don't have any boy names picked out!
Movement: I may have felt a flutter or two, but nothing significant yet.
Food Cravings: nothing healthy unfortunately. pizza, cheese fries, and oreos as always
Sleep: not getting much. i'm already getting uncomfortable due to the growing. and i hate not being able to sleep on my back :(
What I am looking forward to: finding out what this gender is! 3 more weeks!
Symptoms: still extremely nauseated, still vomiting, and now i'm getting horrible headaches.