
Friday, May 21, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Well, I figured it was about time for my once a month post. And its SUMMERTIME! Life has been non-stop around here. From weddings, to home projects, we seriously have not slowed down. In a good way though. We're doing some small things around our house to try to sell it. So if you or anyone you know wants to buy a cute house in Copperfield for a great price, we can HOOK YOU UP! (I'm sure there will be more info to come with photos fairly soon!)

Carson is 10 months old. I can't believe how fast this time has gone. In 2 months he will be 1 year old. Life goes much faster with 2 little guys to chase around! He is so mobile its crazy. I don't remember when I last updated on him and what he was doing at that point. He's walking around the entire house holding onto cabinets, walls, furniture, whatever he can find. He can stand for a few seconds if you let go of his hands. So I'm sure walking will be only a few months away. And in this household, we WELCOME walking! Bring it on buddy!

Brody is almost 2 1/2. He still as the same comedic personality and loves to make us laugh. Now that Carson is older, they play (and fight) so well together. Their favorite thing these days is taking "bubble in bath" (bubble baths). They would play in there for hours if we'd let them. Brody's vocabulary is expanding daily. I love to hear his versions of things and how he tries to put sentences together.

They both got haircuts shortly after this was taken.
Lately, we've had numerous doctor appointments to continue to try to find out what is causing Brody's walking difficulties. We're waiting to hear the results of some blood work and to see a neurologist to talk about some different possibilities. We're just praying continually for his little body and know that whatever it is, God is the great healer and can make him perfectly healthy.

Today was our first day to get out the baby pool and the boys LOVED it, of course. We had our lunch out there and probably spent a little too much time in the sun. I'm sure this will be an almost daily thing for us...either in the backyard or at the big pool with friends. So if you want to go to the pool, let us know! Although, I'm not sure how that works with 2 little ones..hmm. I took these pics BEFORE I put their swim shirts on. So don't panic, I didn't let them get burned up. They just needed a few minutes of sun, with sunscreen, to slowly get those white bodies accustomed to the sunlight. And yes, we really need to mow our grass.