We had a very informative dr appt today! We did an ultrasound to see how big Brody is. He weighs 5 lbs 1 oz. So he's doing great on weight. However...his head is measuring the size of a 38 week baby!! And did I mention that I'm 34.5 weeks! When Matt asked her if he was reading that right..she actually LAUGHED and said "umm..yea."
So as of now, his head is stinking big! That makes me a little nervous. That doesn't sound very fun to deliver! However, that's actually a very good thing that his head is big..that means it is developed and his brain is mature. It's not going to just keep growing and be like enormous if I made it full term. Which the doctor doesn't think I will do. Well, she doesn't think I'll make it to 40 weeks..because...as of today....
I'm so excited. She said I can do things around the house and feel like a normal person again. I can't return to work or go out of town, but as far as normal activity, I should be good to go. However, resuming activity will probably bring on more contractions..and more intense ones that will lead to labor. But she feels perfectly comfortable with the way things are looking and if I went in to labor in the next week or so, everything would be fine. And Matt and I are comfortable with that too. We know that he is doing great and is developing as he should be so if he decides to come at 36 weeks...we know the Lord has His hand on him and everything will be ok. Things have "progressed" with me...I don't know how graphic I should be on a blog. Do words like dilating and effacing weird people out? Anyways...because of the "progression" and possibility of contractions now that I'm able to be mobile again, there's a good chance of him being born very soon. Not likely in the next day or two but in the coming few weeks. Or who knows..maybe he'll surprise us and stay in for a whole 5.5 more weeks until his due date. Who knows!