I know, I know. It's been a while since I've posted. As some people have said "I've blossomed" since the last post. Brody is growing and so is everything else on my body haha.
There's not much new to report...we had an anatomical sonogram on Oct 11 at the hospital and the results were great. They said he is growing fine and everything looks wonderful. He is already such an active little boy...if this is any indication of what he's going to be like, I'm going to have my hands full! He gets it from his daddy :) I've still been pretty sick off and on. I don't think I posted about this in any previous posts...but I took off 6 weeks of work in order to try to recooperate and take care of myself and Brody. It's 6 weeks less of maternity leave I'll get in February, but who cares because I won't be going back :) Those are the most wonderful words ever! Let me say it again...I don't have to go back to work after Brody is born!!! I get to stay home and be the wife and mom I'm called to be and so desparately want to be! I've just finished my 5th week of being home and these last 5 weeks have been WONDERFUL! The sickness has interfered with me getting things done that I've wanted to do, but I have been able to cook, clean and help my husband in ways that are not possible when I'm working 8-5 everyday. When I go back to work on Nov 5, I will only have about 12 or so weeks left of working..hopefully I can make it!
Other than that, there's really nothing new as far as Brody goes. We have been really busy the last few weeks working on our house. We converted our garage into a 3rd bedroom/study so we have been very preoccupied with construction, painting, finding tile, etc. Laying the tile is our next step...won't that be fun. I've been promising pictures of our house and as soon as we get the room all done, I'll post some...PROMISE!
On top of handy man projects, Matt has been swamped with a semester long project for school. I keep reminding him he has less than 2 months left!!! Graduation is Dec 14! WHOOP!
So for all of our friends who we have neglected for the last couple of months who think we have fallen off the face of the Earth, now you know why. Our life is crazy..but then again, who's isn't?