So, the original plan was to have a picture of the ultrasound on here and reveal the name and gender of our baby. However, we've had an exciting and busy day and just haven't had time to get the pic scanned in. So we decided to just fill you all in and just post a pic later.
We are having a precious baby Boy! Brody Palermo! We aren't 100% settled on a middle name but are narrowing it down...we have a couple of good ones to decide between. We will put the pic up soon so you can see him. It is so crazy now to get to know his name and know who it is that is growing inside me. I can't wait for you all to meet him in a few months!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
By Popular Demand

11 Weeks Ago....
I had to put up the first picture to prove to some of you that I am actually growing. Thought we needed a comparison. My belly has grown so much in the last week alone! And this past Monday I felt the baby move for the first time! Ever since, it has been an active little thing! I mostly feel it first thing in the morning or at night when I'm really relaxed on the couch or in bed. It is the most wonderful, crazy, miraculous thing to feel! Matt thinks he might have felt it once...not sure when it will be big enough and kicking hard enough to know for sure. Hopefully soon so Matt can enjoy this as much as I do.
We find out this coming Thursday, Sept. 2o, if we are having a boy or girl! So here are the poll results...and your last chance to change your mind. I've actually changed mine! I thought it was a boy in the beginning..but now, everything in me says girl. I don't know why..but I have this really strong feeling its a little Kinley in there! Looks like thats the most popular vote as of now:
Poll Results:
Girl: 9
Boy: 3
These are just the "official" results from the blog poll. We've had numerous people just tell us they think its a girl..and only two other people said boy. Allen & Key... and I think that was just so Matt would have someone on his side :)
Its been a while since we've done the poll and I know a few of you had to have changed your mind like I if you have, let us know!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
A Place of Our Own

Thought we'd leave you all hanging for a little while on the house situation :) We've been a little busy.
So here's the scoop...
For the last few months, we've been looking at houses (for fun). OUR plan was to buy a house in December after Matt graduates, or possibly not even until next May. I had tons of houses picked out in my head...of course none of them were in our price range. So we always just looked for fun on the internet.
Then..the Lord stepped in. A house that was way cheaper and smaller than what we thought we would be buying became available. At first we weren't excited about it at all..we thought it was too small for our "stuff." The Lord began to change our hearts and showed us that this what He had in mind for us. We realized we had so much "stuff" that we didn't need or even want/use anymore. We got rid of a ton of it and started the crazy process of buying our first home.
We had to get a sublease for our rental house..and wanted it subleased before school started because thats the best time to get someone to rent. The Lord provided a renter by the day after we put the sign in the yard! This was HUGE! We had 8 days until school started..and this family needed to be in the house before then. We started immediately painting the new house, packing, and moving with help from family. Even thought we hadn't closed on the house, the sellers allowed us to paint and move in early because of the circumstances. By the following Saturday, we were in!
We've sort of settled in..but still have a lot to do. There are things without a place and the baby's room still looks like a storage room. But it is slowly coming along. We are beginning to see the huge blessing it is and how great it will be to have our own house when this baby comes. We are going to do some minor construction on the garage to make a 3rd bedroom in order to welcome guests into our home.
Come see it! Its super cute and we love it..and would love for you to come hang out!
Sorry, no pictures to post yet. Guess you'll have to come see it in person! And to those of you who are waiting for a formal invitation..THIS IS IT! Just call to make sure we're home :)
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