Praise the Lord! It's true..I'm pregnant! For those of you who may not know, this has been a long journey for us. Sorry for those of you who know this story backwards and forwards and have to hear it again...I'll keep it brief.
Last September, I found out I was pregnant. 2 weeks later we found out I had an ectopic pregnancy (the baby was in my ovary..not the uterus where it's supposed to be). There was no way the baby would survive and was actually life threatening for me and I had to have emergency surgery.
Last September, I found out I was pregnant. 2 weeks later we found out I had an ectopic pregnancy (the baby was in my ovary..not the uterus where it's supposed to be). There was no way the baby would survive and was actually life threatening for me and I had to have emergency surgery.
Since then, we had been trying to conceive again. For 8 months we and sooo many of you have been praying that the Lord would give us another child. In March, I was told that I have endometriosis and that it would be very hard for me to get pregant again. They wanted me to have more surgeries to fix the problem. I didn't want to have any more surgery..but was willing to do whatever I needed to do in order to have children. We kept praying and never gave up hope that God could give us a child.
I scheduled an appt with my doctor for June 12. Matt and I were going to go in there and ask her about the surgery options and even fertility options. We were prepared to do whatever we needed to do. On Sunday, June 10, 2 days before the appt, I took a pregnancy test, just out of curiosity. And sure enough...It was POSITIVE!
That has been almost 3 weeks ago now and I'm 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I have been to the doctor a couple of times and have gotten great results on my bloodwork. Today we went in for an ultrasound and came home with beautiful ultrasound pictures. (I know..how can ultrasound pics be beautiful..but they truly are!) We heard and saw the little heartbeat. It was so amazing.
God has been so faithful through this entire journey. The entire purpose of this blog is to give him all the Glory for the miracle He has done...and to keep our family and friends updated on our new journey. Over the last 8 months, we have quoted the same scripture over and over. I sing the song to myself all the time and we have it posted in our house. "I will lift my eyes unto the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth." Psalm 121:1 It has been a constant reminder to me through the hard times when I thought we could never have a baby that God is in control, He is our helper through the hard times, and He DOES take care of us.
We love you all! Thank you for loving and praying for us! We need your continued prayers as we get through the first trimester!